Happy Saturday

Saturday, May 9, 2015
6:17 PM

It looks so beautiful outside.  It's been raining recently, which is turning everything green. Too bad I'm stuck inside with a million things to do.  I'd rather be having adventures outside :)

All the rain we've been getting reminds me of our recent trip to Washington D.C.  Andrew's family lives on the East Coast so we took a trip out there to see them.  We toured D.C. for a day in the rain.  Despite the inclement weather, we had a blast.

the Natural History Museum

the Lincoln Memorial

the Lincoln Memorial

I loved all the blossoming cherry trees!

This was his "I'm tired of taking so many pictures" face.
World War II Memorial

Have a delightful rest of your Saturday and love those around you.

Love, Emily

P.S. Happy (early) Mother's Day!  I'm so blessed to have an incredible mother.  She made me into the person I am today and I am forever grateful for that.  I'm so glad she (and my dad) raised me in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  The gospel is so important to me.  If you have any questions about my religion, feel free to ask!

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